
Soliva sessilis

Broadleaf Weed


Bindii is a winter annual weed where the growth forms a rosette. From the rosette shoots and stems are produced and the plants eventually form a low ground cover. Growth is characterized by fast establishment that is able to take hold in a wide range of turfgrass and waste areas. Leaves are compound 1.5 to 2 cm long, deeply-lobed, sheathing at base, with sparse hairs especially on lower surface. Roots are common at the stem nodes and form fibrous masses that are often shallow in depth. A single yellow to green flower head (8-10 mm diameter) forms at the center of the rosette. The seeds are contained in a pod at the center of the rosette in a condensed mass. Seeds are burred with short, sharp curved spines.

Bindii is a common invader of sports fields, tees, approaches, fairways, roughs, parks and amenity turf.

Life Cycle

Bindii is a short lived annual species that germinates in autumn and winter. Seeds set and mature in spring and summer.