POSTERITY® Fungicide Label Extension

Posterity Label Extension

Now an even better fungicide that lasts for many moons

Last year, an exciting new fungicide became available from Syngenta; POSTERITY®. Now Syngenta are thrilled to announce the new label extension on POSTERITY® to include control of Spring Dead Spot and Winter Fusarium/Microdochium Patch as well as Dollar Spot.  

Ideally suited for applications to sporting fields and golf course fairways, POSTERITY® Fungicide is the latest generation SDHI in the turf market that sets a new standard, holding stronger for many moons.

Mike De Luca,Technical Manager for Syngenta, said: 

Australian and USA trials have demonstrated that POSTERITY® is the next step in disease management, delivering superior control with low use rates. Fast uptake through the leaf surface ensures optimal distribution within the plant, plus effective, long-lasting and consistent control for foliar disease. While this fungicide's long soil residual and activity means it stays where you place it – working longer and harder for you on Spring Dead Spot.

POSTERITY® Fungicide offers:

  • A step-change for fairway and sportsfield Spring Dead Spot control compared to traditional methods, providing unprecedented control at extremely low rates.
  • Powerful, preventative Spring Dead Spot control that stays where you place it in the soil profile, working longer and harder.
  • Curative and preventative control against Dollar Spot and Microdochium Patch.
  • A formulation compatible with a wide range of commonly used products including PRIMO® MAXX so you can supercharge your tank mix.
  • Balanced distribution within the plant and outstanding rainfastness – it binds quickly and strongly to the plant’s wax layer and then slowly distributes into the plant tissue.
  • Smarter chemistry that is exempt from poison scheduling.
  • A highly effective option at rates as low as 500 mL/ha to 1 L/ha.

For more information, contact your agent/distributor, or your local Syngenta Representative

Professionals in Turf - POSTERITY®